+44 7766 192793
We understand that people want to stay in their own home for many reasons and what we believe is we should be able to tailor a support package around the individual. Whether this is some of the domestic duties which have just got a bit much or whether it is a greater level of assistance with all tasks.
Often our staff appreciate that they offer companionship, a friendly face that attends once a week, or once a day or even a few times during the day we want to ensure that the client is happy with their puposely designed care package. We can provide Respite services allowing existing carers to take a break.
Domiciliary services can also include live in support where individuals require 24 hour support whether on a temporary basis for periods where the client has maybe been discharged from hospital or where a condition requires assistance around the clock.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is an independent regulator of health and social care services in England. Being regulated by CQC ensures that care providers, like your domiciliary care and supported living services, meet rigorous standards of quality, safety, and compassion.
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